Watch what you consume...

Today we live in a generation filled with news stories, articles, posts and videos. The start of the Information Age brought about a power human kind has never seen before. This power is not of military, economics or divinity. It embeds itself naturally into the human mind; altering perceptions, ideas, down to the fabric in which we form culture. Books, newspapers and the distribution of information as a whole, has changing the way we live, perceive others and see ourselves. Now and forever into the future.

When books first came onto the scene the world was dark, barbaric and alien to us. We weren't always this beautiful blue marble inhabited by billions; billions of somewhat intelligent, incredibly stupid adults that hoard toilet paper, bread and milk after seeing the first post of a rogue beer. Hysteria? Cultivation? Suddenly a light was shed on to humanity and our eyes were opened. Books brought the spread of information, knowledge, idea and collaboration. Civilizing communities through means of knowledge, proliferation of thought and a common goal. Making this big blue marble home.

As information swept the globe; through books and other writing; it feed our minds. We were blind and now we see. We needed to see. We need to see more. The information written in books let us see the world. Creating profound thought, inspiration and collaboration of knowledge nobody knew was possible. But still we needed more. We wanted more. Power. Knowledge is power.

Slowly more books accumulated and more individuals became literate. With a population that can now read, they now can obtain this written knowledge and gain power for themselves. But if what we want is more, more is what we'll get. The creation of the news, journals and stand alone articles came into circulation. Fast forward to today. What happened? The internet is over run with trolls, memes and click-bait. Polluting the minds of the majority with nonsense, deviating us further from the power we once had. Where is the knowledge? Where is the information? What is the truth?

The truth is what the one speaking wants it to be. Is it the truth? Doesn't matter as long as the cash keeps flowing. Today there is too much information to sift through to find the truth, so the majority relies on tv and the internet for news, entertainment and information. The problem? Only six media corporations speak; six media corporations dictating what type of entertainment you watch, what news you see, what products you see, what opinions you form. They own and control almost all of the information and knowledge we consume. So whats the catch?

These 6 corporations are competing to sell you the most information to cultivate how you think. THE truth? Who cares. Corporations want you to believe THEIR truth. We live in a world where truth is merely a sales tactic. Wether it's a story about a fixed election, terror or a world pandemic. The 6 fill you with information they feel grabs your attention. So what grabs your attention?

Watch what you consume. The media publishes story after story about social order issues, crime, rape, drugs, war, terror. Thats what grabs our attention. They make small confrontations into war and leaders into puppet masters. Manipulating information and stories to fit in their box. They stretch, roll and form the truth into what they want; what will sell.

In times of major negativity, pandemic and illusions it would be wise to watch what you consume. On TV, on social media and with music. Negativity resides itself 7x more easily in the mind than positivity. So wouldn't you want to make whats coming in all positive? Watching hours of mainstream media news and entertainment can have a cultivation effect. Unconsciously making you more negative towards yourself, others, your perception of the world and of your reality.

Do you want to be sad? Do you want to be depressed? Do you want to always feel the world is about to explode or everyone is out to get you? No? Watch what you consume.

Limit mainstream media consumption. Remove negative individuals from your life. Be conscious of the premises your music sing about. Refrain from negative self talk and negative talk about external situations. Be realistic and talk positively on yourself as well as the world around you. We are living in darkness again, be the light. Spread positivity, knowledge and the truth.

What do you mean truth? I mean your truth. What you believe. What you find. How you see. The media has brought us back into darkness. Instead of burning our books, they've flooded us with negativity. Explore, think, create. Please. The world needs you.



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